What is a ‘Complex Need’?

If your child has been diagnosed with an illness, disability or sensory impairment and needs a lot of additional support daily, they’re described as having “complex needs”. A child might have complex needs from birth, or after an illness or injury.

(Definition taken from: NHS)

Someone with learning disabilities will sometimes have multiple conditions that co-exist, overlap and interlock to create a complex profile. These conditions can mean that they present with a range of issues and combination of needs that affect their: –

  • Mental health
  • Ability to form and manage relationships
  • Behaviour
  • Physical appearance
  • Health
  • Sensory input
  • Communication ability
  • Cognitive ability

Although everyone’s experience will be different, it can be reassuring to speak to other parents who have children with the same disability or health condition as yours. They’re likely to have been through the same emotions and processes. Where this is not possible, SOS Care Services may be able to offer advice from previous experiences to help formulate plans and strategies to support everyday life.

Support Groups available for Families and Carers

Knowing that there is support out there for children, young people, and families can be extremely helpful and beneficial to know that you are not alone.

We have listed some of the groups that you might find helpful to contact:

Scope’s Disability Forum

NNPCF Local Forum

NetMums Special Needs and Disabilities Forum

You may be able to find a local support group for children, young people and families by visiting the Government website here: Find a Local Support Group

Enabled2Parent is a not-for-profit organisation which aims to enable and empower all Parents/Carers with additional needs as they embark on their journey into parenthood. Please visit their website here for more information and advice.