Well-being in a child or young person’s life can be impacted by their sense of hope, confidence and self-esteem. In order to promote a child or young person’s well-being, they need to be happy with as many aspects of their life as possible.

At SOS Care Services, we understand how important well-being is. That is why we ensure that the child or young person is involved in the decision-making process when tailoring our care to meet their needs.

When we first meet you, our friendly team of professionals will take the time to conduct a ‘meet and greet’ with you and your loved ones. During this time, we will begin to understand what your needs are, how we can meet them, and what day-to-day care will look like, as we know that care is unique to each individual.

SOS Care Services will ensure that your care days are filled with enjoyment and fulfillment, and we will take a positive, understanding, and non-judgmental approach.